Welcome to the Carver COA!
Let us, at the Carver COA, be among the first (group anyway), to welcome you to or back to Carver, MA.
We love our community and all that makes it so special to us: Our people and our quality of life.
We want to particularly welcome you to join us at the Carver COA. We offer you a living connection to most everything you may need. The Carver COA has year-round events, activities and free services to help you
better take advantage of being a part of our community offers.
We know that change can be complicated, we want to make it even easier for you.
To help you “live your best life”, we have attached a few items to better illustrate how we might help:
- COA "Live Your Best Life" Services Brochure

- “Friends of the Carver- Be a Friend” Brochure 

- My Senior Center Sign-up Form

(one time registration for all COA activities)
- Meal Schedule -
(Available at COA Nutrition Center Regularly).
- COA Newsletter (latest)
If you know someone who would like to be added to this email list please call the Carver COA at 508-866-4698 x3
or send an email to CarverCOANews@carverma.org
If you’re tech savvy, you can start by visiting our websites: https://www.carverma.gov/council-aging OR https://www.friendscarvercoa.com. You can explore and connect with even more details to can help you
and quickly be a part of our exciting community.
If you’re not tech-savvy, no problem. First, we have computers at the Carver COA: free for you to use.
We even have connections with people who can help you learn as well (through our local library)
If that’s too much, come visit us in person at 48 Lakeview Street, South Carver, MA
(Monday – Thursday 9 am – 3 pm.and Friday 9 am -12 pm)
at (508) 866-4698.
If you want set up an appointment to discuss more questions, call our Outreach Facilitator, Heidi
Monday - Friday 8am - 4 pm (508) 866-4698 x 2.
If you need answers on Medicare or other benefits, our SHINE counselor can help you by phone or by appointment.
Welcome to Carver. Look forward to seeing you at the COA soon!
Scan below QR Code on your phone's camera and
sign up for your annual membership to the Friends of Carver COA.